Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Dentist

Today I had another dentist appointment. I fell at my friends house this summer and broke the root in my front tooth and had to get a wire that looks like braces on my three front teeth to try to hold them togther. I get it off on Dec. 18th and we will see if it helped. I sure hope so.


Blossom Salon said...

Man. That sounds like it really hurts!! That reminds me...Maybe I need to go to the dentist! HOw often do you think is good? Like once every ten years? Good enough? I am so excited you are an official blogger!!

Sarah said...

Man buddy!! That sounds like it hurt when you fell. Atleast you have a cool story to tell the girls now, huh? I like your Cowboy Owen blog, its way cool. Tell your mom I said hey, and what up, and yo, and howdy!

aj perkins said...

thankyou longtime no-se!!!